The 12th JB Arts Festival is in full swing right now, welcoming thousands of visitors and influencers on our festival grounds whom share the same love and support for JB’s arts and culture scene! With 173 events spanning a total of 31 days, we’ve found a great way for you to stay up to date on the upcoming events near you! All you have to do is download the ArtHop app on your smartphone and you’ll find all the information you need on one platform, including the event date, time, admission prices, directions and more! So what are you waiting for? Hop on and download the ArtHop app for free!
1. The ArtHop app is available on the App Store and Google Play, whether you’re using an iPhone or an Android device, you can access the app anytime, anywhere!
2. Once you’ve successfully downloaded the app, click on the home page and you’ll see “JBAF” on the top right corner. Click on it and you’ll be able to access all the information you need about the JB Arts Festival!
3. The JB Arts Festival’s main page will show you all the information you need at a glance! Providing you details on the performances, events and directions, it’s your pick!
4. Click on “Events” and you will see a full list of performances, workshops, and exhibitions happening soon at the festival!
5. Click on “Filters” on the top right corner and you can filter the information according to the date and category of your choice, for instance exhibition. Film, performance, music, activities, workshops and more. This allows you to easily search and select your favourite events to go to!
6. When you click on the specific event, you can find out details such as event summary, date, time, admission prices and directions!
7. When you click on “Map”, the in-built Google Maps enables you to search for events near you, and gives you clear directions to your favourite event, promising a quick and smooth journey to the JB Arts Festival!
With the ArtHop app, you can now access the full information of the JB Arts Festival on one convenient platform, which delivers non-stop entertainment and updates right at your fingertips! The 12th JB Arts Festival features an exciting array of performances, exhibitions, workshops and activities from 10 September to 10 October 2015 and is definitely not to be missed! This is YOUR city, YOUR festival, so quick, plan a visit to our festival today!
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