" I see rebirth as a circle from darkness to light. Freedom is a self-surrender."
Aëla Labbé,出生於法國布列塔尼半島,曾在阿姆斯特丹學習現代舞,現在作為專業舞者並教授現代舞,而在舞蹈之外,她的攝影也綻放出獨特光芒。
Aëla Labbé is a contemporary dancer and film photographer from Brittany France. She had learnt contemporary dance in Amsterdam, and now she is teaching it as a professional dancer. When it comes to her film photography, we will discover her unique enchantment.
Aëla Labbé 的攝影作品相關網站:個人網站、Flickr、Facebook
Aëla Labbé 的情境創造在攝影與編舞上十分相似,專注於肢體、空間、時間的語意和連結,在藉由懷帶激情的舞蹈動作,或如同復古夢境的氣氛中,那些舒展而出的情緒感染力是她作品中常見的題材。
Aëla Labbé builds the sense of her photography and choreographic in the similar way. She focuses on the language and connection of these three elements: body, space, and time. By the passional dancing actions or the dreamlike antique atmosphere, the emotional force are common themes of her work.
【少女】Young Ladies
在 Aëla Labbé 作品的幻魅氣質中,她經常以穿著骨董洋裝的年輕女性為主角,擺出像是垂絲木偶那些幽靈般卻又近乎舞蹈的動作,而場景可能是在自然原始的森林、海岸、或是傾頹的舊屋。
With her phantom atmosphere, young women in antique dresses are the common leading roles in Aëla Labbé’s portrait. Sometimes the women express spooky dancing actions like marionettes , and the locations maybe the natural forests and coastlines, or the ruined houses.
兒童也是 Aëla Labbé 經常拍攝的對象,由於從小生活在充滿骨董事物的家庭,並受到布列塔尼歷史、民謠的影響,在她的作品中,這些穿上骨董衣裳的孩子彷彿來自中世紀的小巫女,或是在荒野嬉遊的妖精。
Children also play the main roles in Aëla Labbé’s photography work. Because living in a family with many antiques, and being effected by the history and ballads in Brittany, in her works, the kids wearing vintage clothes look like the little psychics from Middle Ages, or the playing fairies in wildness.
In her self-portraits, the uncommon postures show her aloof attitude for exploring dance and photography. Also, the tempting images reflect her deep sincerity and blazing passion.
她於 2013 年出版了攝影集《L’ ABSENTE》(由挪威的獨立書籍出版社 Éditions du LIC 出版),而今年她在布魯塞爾的 Studio Baxton 舉辦以黑白攝影作品為主題的個人展覽《CORPUS》。
In 2013, Aëla Labbé presented her photography collection" L’ ABSENTE " (published by Éditions du LIC). Moreover, she is exhibiting her solo B&W photography exhibition “CORPUS" in Brussels until 05/06/2016 .
展覽 Facebook 活動網址 (The Facebook event page of the exhibition “CORPUS")
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