38一下 today: 【中國野蠻極品乘客用熱水潑在正妹空姐身上!】嫌動作慢發脾氣: 大不了我給錢,他媽的老子花不起錢呀? 還恐嚇要炸掉飛機…

2016年5月12日 星期四

【中國野蠻極品乘客用熱水潑在正妹空姐身上!】嫌動作慢發脾氣: 大不了我給錢,他媽的老子花不起錢呀? 還恐嚇要炸掉飛機…


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Pic shows: A Chinese couple got into a furious row with cabin crew on a flight. A Chinese couple who got into a furious row with cabin crew on a flight could find themselves separated for quite some time after the incident escalated when hot noodles were thrown into the face of a hostess. The incident which happened on a Thai AirAsia plane was captured on video camera and on mobile phone snaps taken by other passengers that show one of the hostesses touching her face after being scalded when she was hit with a hot dish. She was reportedly given first aid on board by her colleagues to deal with the burns and was taken to hospital after the flight turned around and landed back in the Thai capital Bangkok. The trouble started when the couple boarded the plane and found themselves seated separately on the charter flight from Bangkok to the Chinese city of Nanjing. And even though the seating was rearranged to put the couple together, they were still angry and refused to calm down. The video clip showing the man shouting at staff who are trying to restrain him quickly went viral after it was uploaded on Chinese social media network Weibo. A spokesman for the budget airline said that the plane had been forced to turn round so that the angry couple could be arrested. The spokesman said that the decision to turn around had been made after the man claimed to have a bomb and threatened to blow the plane up. Photos later showed the man being led off the plane while carrying a young girl although he and the child and his girlfriend were not immediately arrested. He claimed that the hostess had been scalded by accident when they had argued with her over the receipt they wanted for the hot water. However after the incident went viral, officials from China’s National Tourism Administration said the tourists had disrupted the flight, hurt other passengers and "badly damaged the overall image of the Chinese people". It comes at a time when the Chinese are travelling more but also becoming notorious for rough behaviour. More than 100 million people from China have travelled overseas this year, more than any other country. Incidents involving Chinese tourists making angry outbursts have prompted Beijing to issue stern guidelines on behaving abroad. In public service announcements even President Xi Jinping himself reminding citizens in China to improve their behaviour whilst travelling. (ends)

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Pic shows: A Chinese couple got into a furious row with cabin crew on a flight. A Chinese couple who got into a furious row with cabin crew on a flight could find themselves separated for quite some time after the incident escalated when hot noodles were thrown into the face of a hostess. The incident which happened on a Thai AirAsia plane was captured on video camera and on mobile phone snaps taken by other passengers that show one of the hostesses touching her face after being scalded when she was hit with a hot dish. She was reportedly given first aid on board by her colleagues to deal with the burns and was taken to hospital after the flight turned around and landed back in the Thai capital Bangkok. The trouble started when the couple boarded the plane and found themselves seated separately on the charter flight from Bangkok to the Chinese city of Nanjing. And even though the seating was rearranged to put the couple together, they were still angry and refused to calm down. The video clip showing the man shouting at staff who are trying to restrain him quickly went viral after it was uploaded on Chinese social media network Weibo. A spokesman for the budget airline said that the plane had been forced to turn round so that the angry couple could be arrested. The spokesman said that the decision to turn around had been made after the man claimed to have a bomb and threatened to blow the plane up. Photos later showed the man being led off the plane while carrying a young girl although he and the child and his girlfriend were not immediately arrested. He claimed that the hostess had been scalded by accident when they had argued with her over the receipt they wanted for the hot water. However after the incident went viral, officials from China’s National Tourism Administration said the tourists had disrupted the flight, hurt other passengers and "badly damaged the overall image of the Chinese people". It comes at a time when the Chinese are travelling more but also becoming notorious for rough behaviour. More than 100 million people from China have travelled overseas this year, more than any other country. Incidents involving Chinese tourists making angry outbursts have prompted Beijing to issue stern guidelines on behaving abroad. In public service announcements even President Xi Jinping himself reminding citizens in China to improve their behaviour whilst travelling. (ends)







The post 【中國野蠻極品乘客用熱水潑在正妹空姐身上!】嫌動作慢發脾氣: 大不了我給錢,他媽的老子花不起錢呀? 還恐嚇要炸掉飛機… appeared first on Viral Cham.

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